Hair No Hair No Hair (for my Hairbrush)!

Carole is a great and powerful Cancer Butt-Kicker!
If anyone guessed where that line came from, congratulations! If not, and y'all think I'm weird, it's from a Veggie Tales song. The reason why I'm singing this song lately is because of something fantastic and drastic, such as shaving my head! Why, you may ask? Because of a very special person in my life, my good friend Carole. She is an amazing woman who has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and is seriously KICKING CANCER BUTT!! After a couple of surgery's, she's now begun chemotherapy.

Carole is not only a friend-more of a cool aunt-but an amazing and confident woman who takes everything in life with a smile on her face! I was very glad to be with her on the day that she shaved her head, and, in solidarity, I shaved mine with her. I have to admit, we are some good-lookin' babes! It is a pleasure and an honor to do this with her, and I look forward in seeing her continue life with that beautiful smile and contagious laughter! Way to go girl!


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