Entertaining for A Few (Awesome Friends!)...

One of my favorite new magazines that I was introduced to this last year is Kinfolk, a wonderful magazine/book filled with absolute wonder. It's got some fantastic stories, essays, and recipes that make you want to do everything this book contains. So, when I received the latest beautiful issue, I decided it was time to have a couple of my closest friends over for dinner! I always enjoy entertaining people; the cooking, the setting of the table, the wonderful smells of food coking on the stove. The menu was as follows:
~Curried Chicken Spinach Tostadas w/homemade salsa                       
~Mixed Greens Salad w/homemade blackberry red wine vinaigrette 
~Jasmine Limeade (from the Kinfolk Magazine)                                                                      
~Mango Sorbet

The dinner was so good, it disappeared way to quickly, I have to (yes, have to) share the chicken tostada recipe with you!
Chicken Spinach Tostadas
  • 4 Chicken Thighs
  • 1/2 pkg. Spinach, chopped into large pieces
  • 1 can Black Eyed Peas
  • Curry Powder
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Vegetable Broth
  • 1 1/2 TBL. Sesame Oil
Take the chicken, sprinkle salt, pepper, and curry powder on top and rub into the chicken. Heat olive oil in a pan and add the chicken. Cook thoroughly and remove from pan, chop into medium bite-size pieces. Add the spinach and black eyed peas into the pan and cook for a couple of minutes. Add the chicken, cooking for about 5 mins, mixing in the veggie broth and sesame oil. Serve on top of fried (in olive oil) corn tortillas and spoon some salsa on top. Enjoy!
Here are some photos from that fun night!


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